State Bank Of India
Officers' Association

Ahmedabad Circle

Welcome to State Bank Of India Officers' Association



The State Bank of India Officer’s Association (Ahmedabad Circle) is Trade Union for Officers of State Bank of India having more than 4500 members on its role. Association’s area of operation covers the entire State of Gujarat and Union Territory of Daman Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli. Founded in 1965, the Association was registered under Indian Trade Union Act 1926, and is recognized as the sole bargaining body of the Officers’ in State Bank of India (Ahmedabad Circle). The Association headquarter is at Ahmedabad with its Administrative Officers at Baroda, Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Bhavnagar, Rajkot & Surat along with other circle Association, the Ahmedabad Circle Association is Federated to All India State Bank Officers’ Federation (AISBOF) which is affiliated to (AIBOC) All India Bank Officers’ Confederation.


The Association is committed to the following objectives. To organize and unite all officers of State Bank of India and to regulate their relations with the employers.

To secure fair conditions of life and service and to redress the grievances of members. To encourage Thrift and co-operation for the members. To do other acts necessary, incidental and conductive to the attainment to the general objects of the Association.


Right from securing the Casual Leave for State Bank Officers’ All India State Bank Officers’ Federation can claim to have “Pioneering achievements in the field of supervisory and managerial trade union movements not only in our own country but also in the entire world”. The achievements are either through bipartite negotiations or through powerful agitations. Whatever be the media, the basic reason for the success was the justness of the demands, sufficiently backed by the inherent strength and enviable solidarity of the membership who have shown, all through, an excellent sense of unity and solidarity in thought, word and action.

The State Bank Officers’ strike in 1969 was a shot in the arms of managerial and professional employee’s movements in India and all over the world. The managements unleashing of fear psychosis of the victimization, loss of employment and such other forms of covert and overt intimidation still continues and the war also continues. Many battles were won and we are confident that the was will also be won. The emergence of officers’ organization is tolerated on a limited scale but very subtly by the bureaucrats. Governments and Management.


After relentless struggles the management and government had agreed to nominate the officers’ representative as a Director on Bank’s Central Boards as office-Director.


Over and above, preserving, protecting and furthering the interest of our group, we have taken on us number of other activities.


We are among the first few to introduce benevolent fund scheme for the benefit of the dependents for our colleagues who die in the harness. From this fund a maximum sum of Rs. 50,000/- is immediately paid on death of members to his/her dependents(s). Besides this, in deserving case, the cost of the books and school fees are also being reimbursed to the children of our deceased members. In case of permanent disability of our members, regular financial help is extended under the scheme.


The Association is aware about the role it has to play in the society. Keeping this in view, a Social Service Wing has been formed and at the time of national calamities and also in normal times social causes are being taken up by the association and help is being extended to children of the slums, immates of the orphanages and pationets of the hospitals. The members of the association are proud of constructing two rooms primary school building in a remotest village khirai in Maliya Taluka of Rajkot Dist. It is our constant and earnest desire to the helpful in many ways possible to the less fortunate brethren. In this regards our federation has also started a quarterly publication “Social Concern” to highlight the activities of Blood Donation Camps, Physiotherapy Camps, Homeopathic Camps, Blood Donors Directory, Helping Hands to the needy persons, distribution of sweets at good occasion cloths, bad chapples and we have distributed school bags around 500 to tribal area school at S.K.Dist. our organization has adopted a mentally retarded & Poor Girl child Ms. Deepa Patel of Arpan diagnostic & development centre for children with multiple disabilities at Baroda from Arpan Charitable Trust at Baroda.


The SBIOA has evolved a Welfare Scheme Viz. “Your membership is your insurance” with effect from 1st April 1988. Under the Scheme the member has to pay Rs.2000/- initially as their total contribution and in the event of untimely death the family member of the deceased officer are entitled to receive Rs.2,00,00/- Alternatively in other cases the initial deposit of Rs.2000/- will be repaid to the retired member. The members response to the Scheme is quite encouraging.


Again we are the first amongst the Trade Union in India to introduce an unique scheme which a retired colleague who is an associate member of our Association is entitled to get reimbursement of Travel Expenses upto a distance of 3000 kms. By IInd A/c Railway fare for himself and spouse once after the retirement.


Ours is the first organization which by amending our constitution allowed our retired colleagues to continue in the organization as Associate members by paying Life Subscription of Rs.1001/- Our Pensioners’ Wing conducts various activities for the benefit of our colleagues to better the quality of their life.