State Bank Of India
Officers' Association

Ahmedabad Circle

Welcome to State Bank Of India Officers' Association



State Bank Building, St. Mark’s Road, Bangalore:-560001.


The All India State Bank Officers’ Federation represents over 90, 000 officers of State Bank of India and its five Associates namely State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore. Membership of the Federation extends to officers belonging to JMG-I to SMG-IV performing functions such as Assistant Managers, Deputy Managers, Managers, Chief Managers and Assistant General Managers of over 15,000 Branches/Offices of the State Bank Group throughout the Country.

The Federation was founded in the year 1965. It has 15 affiliates consisting of 14 circle Associations and ABOA representing 5 Associate Banks with a total membership of over 90,000. Its Central Office is presently at Bangalore. It has branch offices at respective Local Head Offices of SBI as well as the head quarters of all Associate Banks.

The Federation is an apolitical and independent trade union. It is led by service bank officers only. It is affiliated to All India Bank Officers’ Confederation, which is also an independent Trade Union.

The Federation is recognized by the Management as also representative body of officers in State Bank of India. The Federation is a partner in bipartite forums established in the Bank for negotiations, consultations, customer service, community service banking, welfare schemes etc. It firmly believes in finding solutions to all problems through bilateral negotiations with the Management. The Federation is committed to the objectives for which the banks were nationalized. It actively participates in and supports all schemes and measurers initiated by the Government for ameliorating the poorer sections of the society and priority sectors of the economy.

The office of the Federation is provided with all infrastructures, which are necessary for maintaining efficient communication systems between the affiliates, membership, management and the Federation in a most systematic manner. Apart from sending out other communications to grass-root level membership providing them with day to day information on the activities of the organization, the Federation has been publishing a monthly magazine known as “Officers’ Cause” from its Headquarter. The journal is released on the 15th of every month regularly. The journal has completed 21 years of its publication and is a source of information to the grass –root level members throughout the country. In order to equip our office bearers and activists with skills in defending their colleagues facing disciplinary proceedings, federation has been publishing a quarterly magazine on “Domestic Enquires”. Another Quarterly journal “Social Concern” covering social activities is also being published.

With a view to provide further fillip to the movement, the Federation has set up an academy in the name of “National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education (N.A.T.U.R.E.). Periodical Training Programmes are conducted by the Academy to groom activists of our affiliates as potential leaders.
The aim of the Federation is to achieve through constructive co-operation with the management and the government, maximum efficiency in banking operation, balanced spread of banking to different regions, high quality customer service, development of human resources, modernization of systems and procedures, prevention of wasteful expenditure and frauds and to generate stable and harmonious industrial relations.


• To carry the torch of an exemplary SBI Officers’ Union Movement.
• Ever alive of uniting, protecting, securing and satisfying the committed and enthused members.
• Ever facilitating the growth and development of quality Bank Professionals:
• Ever officering trusteeship role in meeting the challenges of SBI in the face of Changing Economic Scenario;
• Ever trusting in continuous search, improvement and education with a concern for all that is noble, just and praise worthy in our movement Bank and Nation.


The trade union movement in India has a history of over 125 years. The seeds of unionism were sown along with freedom struggle. The Britishers who brought the Industrial Revolution with them also brought in its ill-effects such as exploitation of the labour class, discrimination between men and women, hostile working condition, perpetuation of child labour etc., which gave rise to emergence of union. The workforce employed in Postal and Railway Departments as also in Textiles, Jute and other Industries organized trade unions and contributed their mite to the freedom struggle.

The Trade Union movement in the Banking Industry began in the early 40’s with the active support of Central Trade Unions. The officers organization sprang up in the early 60’s in State Bank and other Banks, during the last 38 years, the officers in the banking industry have consolidated their position and built up a strong industry level organization under the banner of All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC)

The National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education is a wing of all India State Bank Officers’ Federation. The Federation appointed a sub-committee for a review of its functioning and make appropriate recommendation for widering our Trade Union activities. One of the recommendations was to set up an academy exclusively devoted for development of the trade union activities. The launching of NATURE in the year 1991 was in response to the recommendation of the Sub-Committee.

As a strong and militant organization, the Federation has played a predominant role in the organizing AIBOC. The executive committee of Federation, in one of its meetings observed that in the fold of trade union education and research, not much efforts has been made either by the central trade unions or independent Federations.

Need was therefore felt for the unions in the organized sector like banking to come forward to take up the work of education and research in the sphere of trade union movement. Accordingly, Our Federation has set up an organization to take up this responsibility. The organization has been named as NATURE (National Academy of Trade Union Research and Education). The objectives of this organization are:-

• To undertake the study and research of the history of the trade union movement.
• To keep abreast with day-to-day developments in the trade union field on an ongoing basis,
• To impart training and education in the management of trade unions,
• To develop leadership qualities, negotiating skills and to have up-to-date knowledge of legislation affecting the working class,
• To train defence-counsels,
• To inculcate a spirit of camaraderie amongst the various sections of working class to motivate employees and officers to take up the task of forming and managing trade unions etc.

The recent economic and industrial policies of the Government at the instance of the IMF and World Bank as also the Narasimham Committee Report II/ Verma Panel report have once again brought into focus the watchdog role the Unions have to play to protect the interest of the working class. NATURE pledges to be in the forefront in fulfilling aspirations of the members for all times to come.


The Co-operatives vast scope for launching various welfare activities for the benefit of our members with a view to provide facilities to our members, a Council has been set up with the objective of encouraging formation of co-operative for various purpose.

The Council has decided to concentrate on –

1. Credit Co-operatives;
2. Housing Co-operatives;

The credit societies run by the Circle Association at Patna, Bengal, Ahmedabad , Hyderabad etc., has been extending a number of credit facilities to officers for meeting their domestic requirements such as purchase of consumer goods, domestic items, margin on housing loans, etc. The quantum of loans provided by some of the societies ranges any where from Rs.50, 000/- to Rs. 5,00,000/- at a very reasonable rate of interest. Apart from credit facilities, these societies have also taken up a number of welfare activities such as administering Benevolent Funds etc.


It was long cherished desire of the Federation to have its own premises for taking up various activities. The dream came true with the acquisition of a premise at Bangalore. The premises with an accommodation of about 4000 sq. ft. has been named “Gandhi Nilaya”. The Federation has set up its guest house in Gandhi Nilaya which could accommodate around 20 guests comfortably. Our Bangalore Circle Association has also set up its primary school in the cellar portion of the building. The first floor has a meeting hall. It is being used for the purpose of Trade Union meetings as well as for conduct of the training programme.


It was the desire of all affiliates and the Federation to provide guest house facilities at important places all over the country to make the stay of the officers comfortable whenever they visit such places on Leave Fare Concession or for other purpose such as medical treatment/admission of their children to educational institutions etc. In fulfillment of this objective, the Federation and the Circle Association have set up Guest Houses at important centers.